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Dig a little deeper into the Word with Pastor Petie.

Sunday, October 13 2024

The HEBREW word for prophesy is naba’. It means
“to bubble or flow forth; to gush; to flow; to boil up or
over” Naba is the word used in Ezekiel 47 when he
was commanded by the LORD to speak to the dry
bones: “Prophesy to these dry bones, and say to them,
‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!’"  (v4)
God promised the dry bones would be raised from
their graves, brought back to life, and restored to their
inheritance. You have a divine inheritance. You have
the same promise from the LORD. Ask HIM to show
you the inheritance He has for you. Then speak to the
dry places that are holding you back from restoration.
Don’t wait for the next prophet to come to town and do
what you can do for yourself.
Prophesy is simply “speaking forth the mind of God.”
Once the LORD reveals His will for the restoration He
has for you, speak forth His mind.
As the prophetic word is released from your mouth,
rivers will break out in your desert. “Behold I will do a
new thing, now it shall spring forth; . . . I will even
make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”
( Is.43:19).

Posted by: Pastor Petie AT 06:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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