Read 1 Corinthians 15: 55-58
Easter is a season of great gladness for those who
know Christ. But for those who are without “the light
of the knowledge of God’s glory” (2 Corinthians 4:6),
there is nothing to rejoice over. Jesus left us with the
great hope and certainty that He is going to return to
bring a new Heaven and a new earth where, we are
told, there will be no more sorrow, trouble, or death for
those who have believed and followed Him. There will
be trouble, sorrow, and suffering for those who have
neglected or rejected Him. *As Christians, our great
task is to obey the command to tell the whole world
about Christ crucified, buried, yet risen again. My
prayer for you during this season of the year, when we
meditate on our Savior’s great sacrifice for us on the
cross, is that you will be filled with great peace and
hope, because “He is risen!” That is the Good News.
As you follow Christ, are you obeying His command
to tell others that He is risen indeed? Are you sure of Are you sure of your salvation? Commit your life to
Christ today. BY BILLY GRAHAM