By FAITH he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who was invisible.
(Hebrews 11:27)
As a believer there should come a time when you separate yourself from others’ way of thinking. You should consider being around those who think, act and do, and talk like you do.
Soon after building a relationship with Jesus, friends and family notice the difference and soon they will start to separate themselves from you. They get uncomfortable with your NEW you. Your language is different. Your actions, and reactions, are different. So, one or the other will need to separate in the relationship.
Don’t risk your spiritual life for unnecessary pleasures, un-necessary risk, or unnecessary gains. Learn to have SEPA-RATING FAITH. Stay strong in the faith that will keep you close in your relationship with Jesus.
Insist on being around someone who can speak positive words into your life. Stay away from the “negative-speaking Nellie’s”. The negative words will begin to drain you of your spiritual growth. They don’t understand your goal is to get closer to Jesus, therefore, their behavior doesn’t change. Then the conflicts of “different thinking” starts. Stay away from those going backwards. Pray for them to have a revelation of who Jesus is. Don’t take in their negative words that are contrary to God’s Word. Don’t compromise to please them. Stay firm to honor God with your faith.