Sign – Strong’s Greek 4592 (Semeion): Mark, token, by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others and is known; an unusual occurrence; of sign miracles and wonders by which God authenticates the men sent by Him.
Set Against Sickness
“And He said unto them, “go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature … and these signs shall follow them that believe in My name … they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
(Mark 16:15,17,18)
Let’s stop and analyze something here: Which of the sick did Jesus say we were to lay hands on?
Jesus just said “the sick” — Period.
Then, if God were the author of sickness — if God did put sickness and disease on people - if it were the will of God for some to be sick — this statement would be confusing. Because in it, Jesus authorized us to lay hands on ALL sick people.
If God weren’t in the healing business, Jesus would have had to say something like, “Lay your hands on those that it is the will of God to heal, and they shall recover. And those that it isn’t - they won’t recover.”
But, no! God set the Church against sickness — period!
CONFESSION: God is in the healing business. God is not in the sickness business. God is in the delivering business. God is not in the bondage business. I refuse to allow the enemy to try to get me to accept sickness or bondage as being from God. Satan is the author of sickness. God has set me against sickness!
(Kenneth Hagin Sr.)