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Dig a little deeper into the Word with Pastor Petie.

Sunday, July 23 2023

Keep a tender conscience —- don’t violate it ___
because it is your conscience, the voice of your spirit,
that relates to your mind what the spirit of God is
saying to you down inside. If you don’t keep a tender
conscience, spiritual things will not be clear to you.
It is like drinking a hot liquid; coffee, soups, hot
chocolate. You start out with it just a bit over warm,
then the temperature of it over time gets increased.
Increased to the point that your throat gets seared and
the liquid can be very, very hot. Scalding hot!
The same thing can happen spiritually. Keep a tender
conscience. Stop the minute you miss it and your
conscience condemns you.
Say, “Lord forgive me. I missed it.”
Or if you need to, tell someone you have wronged, “I
did wrong. Please forgive me.”
Give it a try….it works! Blessings

Posted by: Pastor Petie AT 04:24 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, July 09 2023

JAMES 1:8-14
8) Jesus, the Anointed One, is always the same
- - - yesterday, today, and forever. 9) So don’t
let anyone lead you astray with all sorts of novel
and exotic teachings. It is more beautiful to
feast on grace and be inwardly strengthened
than to be obsessed with dietary rules which in
themselves have no lasting benefit.
10) We feast on a sacrifice at our spiritual altar,
but those who serve as priest in the old system
of worship have no right to eat of it.
11) For the high priest carries the blood of
animals into the holiest chamber as a sacrifice
for sin, and then burns the bodies of the
animals outside the city.
12) And Jesus, our sin sacrifice, also suffered
death outside the city walls to make us holy by
his own blood.
13). So we must arise and join him outside the
religious “walls” and bear his disgrace.
14) For we have no city here on earth to be
our permanent home, but we seek the city that
is destined to come.

Posted by: Pastor Petie AT 02:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, July 08 2023

Confession: Lord Jesus, I want You to
have Your way in every area of my life, I
want You to have Your say-so in every
area of my life - in the books I read, in the
company I keep, in the amusements I
enjoy, in my companions in my marriage,
in my home, in my finances, and in the way
I spend my time.

Posted by: Pastor Petie AT 10:51 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
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