Dig a little deeper into the Word with Pastor Petie.
Sunday, May 19 2024
On the 50th day after the Israelites left Egypt (Passover)
and were in the wilderness around Mount Sinai. God
presented Moses with the Torah, or Ten Commandments.
In accepting these, the Israelites became a nation
committed to serving God and Shavuot marks the
anniversary of this event. There are similarities between
Shavuot and the Christian festival of Pentecost. Pentecost
is 49 days after Easter Sunday and celebrates the descent
of the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ followers.
You shall have NO other gods before me
You shall NOT make any graven image before me
You shall NOT take the name of the Lord your God in
Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy
Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long
upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you
You shall NOT murder.
You shall NOT commit adultery
You shall NOT steal
You shall NOT bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall NOT covet your neighbors house, nor anything
that is your neighbor’s
Saturday, April 20 2024
Paul bound by man; but still free to follow Jesus.
Acts: 27: 20 Paul a prisoner was shipwrecked while
being escorted to be before Caesar. A terrible storm
came up and all hope was gone. The crew gave up in
despair, because they felt they would not be saved. But in
verse 22, Paul said, “ I exhort you to be of good cheer: for
there shall be no loss of any man’s life among you, but of
the ship.” An angel of God visited him and assured him
no one would perish.
God had a plan for Paul and no storm was going to stop it
from happening. The angel said, “and, lo, God hath given
thee all them that sail with thee.”
To parents, wives, husbands, aunts, uncles; God loves the
family unit, and HE loves all people. HE has a plan for
each individual, but their will to be obedient to HIM and
HIS instructions is important.
They dropped a lifeboat over into the water but Paul told
them, “You better obey. God has plans to save you, but
you have to make the choice yourself.” The soldiers cut
the rope and the boat fell into the water.
The ship broke into pieces and each of the 276 were
supernaturally (angelic help) given a piece of something to
float onto, and all made it to shore.
Paul bound as a prisoner on the ship, was instructed by
God on how to save everyone aboard…. If they would
listen and obey. Within our storms God loves us and will make a way.
Including family and friends. HE loves us all! He gives us
H O P E !!
Sunday, April 07 2024
28) And it will come about after this That I will pour out My
Spirit on all mankind: And your sons and daughters will
prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young
men will see visions.
29) And even on the male and female servants I will pour
out My Spirit in those days.
30) And I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth,
Blood, fire, and columns of smoke.
31)The sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon into
blood, Before the great and awesome day of the LORD
32)And it will come about that whoever calls on the name
of the LORD Will be delivered: For on Mount Zion and in
Jerusalem There will be those who escape, As the LORD
has said, Even among the survivors whom the LORD calls.
Monday, April 01 2024
Matthew 26:1) When Jesus had ended this
discourse, He said to His disciple,
2) You know that the Passover is in two days, and
the Son of man will be delivered up treacherously
to be crucified.
Exodus 12:13) And the blood shall be to you for a
token upon the houses where ye are: and when I
see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague
shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite
the land of Egypt.
26) Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread,
and praising God gave thanks and asked Him to
bless it to their use, and when He had broken it He
gave it to the disciples and said, Take, eat: this is
My body.
27)And He took a cup, and when He had given
thanks He gave it to them, saying, Drink of it, all of
28) For this is My blood of the new covenant,
which {ratifies the agreement and} is being poured
out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29) I say to you, I shall not drink again of this fruit
of the vine until that day when I drink it with you
new and of superior quality in My Father’s kingdom.
Sunday, March 24 2024
He [Abraham] staggered not at the promise of God
through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving
glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what
he had promised, he was able also to perform.
ROMANS 4:20,21
“I’m weak in faith,: one woman said to me. “Will you pray
that I’ll grow stronger in faith?” “No.” I said, “I won’t. To
tell you the truth, you are strong in faith! You just don’t
know it, May I ask you some questions?”
“Yes, of course,” she said.
“Are you fully persuaded — fully persuaded —that what
God has promised He is able to perform?”
“Certainly,” she said. “I know God can do anything He said
He wold do. And I know He will do it.”
“Can you say,’Glory to God.’ And praise God for His
“Certainly, I can. I do that every day.”
“Then you are strong in faith,” I said, “according to Romans
4:20 and 21.” Abraham was also strong in faith. What is
strong faith? Giving glory to God. And being fully
persuaded that what God has promised He is able also to
perform. If you can meet these two requirements, then
you are strong in faith too.
Sunday, March 17 2024
by Kenneth Hagin
Righteousness means rightness, or right standing with
Righteousness is a gift, A gift is something you
receive now—whole and complete. A fruit, on the other
hand, is a state of spiritual development—something
which grows and develops. We can grow spiritually —
but we cannot grow in righteousness.
How did you get to be righteous? You were born that
way! Righteouness comes with the NEW BIRTH!
With your heart you believed unto righteousness.
When you were born again, you received the life and
nature of God the Father (John 5: 24-26; II Peter 1:4).
God’s nature makes you righteous .
CONFESSION: I have righteousness. It was given to
me. I believed unto righteousness and I received it at
my NEW BIRTH. I have right standing with God. I am
righteous .
Saturday, March 09 2024
Every message the angel brought has pointed to the
sacrifice of Jesus. His Blood is important, because the
demands of justice have been satisfied, the wrath God
appeased, and the records of iniquity erased through the
shedding of that blood.
HE is communicating this through his Word and by his
3. JESUS IS ALIVE JESUS is ALIVE! Jesus wants us to put our
trust in Him!
4.The PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT In order to do what Jesus
did on earth, we must have the same power he had! In order
to be like Jesus, we must have God’s Holy Spirit!
5.GO TELL THE WORLD WE cannot hear the Truth and then
fall asleep. Jesus said,”go ye into all the world and carry this
Good News: “You can come to me now!” “The barriers are
down!” “You have been reconciled by the death of my Son!”
for us IS AN EVERLASTING WORK! IT IS intended to help us,
carry us right through to heaven. A message of new
beginnings. It’s important to understand that the atonement
is a continuing thing. All of our needs are covered under the
7.THE RETURN OF JESUS God is telling us to prepare ourselves
for that great day! For those whose names are written in the
Lamb’s Book of Life, it will be glory! For those whose names
are not there, it will be doom forever. The choice is ours, and that choice is simply to choose to serve Jesus or to follow
Satan into he’s eternal damnation.
By: Angels on assignment by Charles & Francis Hunter as told
by Roland Buck.
Saturday, February 24 2024
Come to me, all you who are weary. Matthew 11:28
Obey The Lord by doing what I tell you. Then…your life will
be spared. Jeremiah 38:20
Blessed are those who…walk in the light of Your Presence,
Lord Psalm 89:15
The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will
call Him Immanuel (which means “God with us” Matthew
Nazareth! Can anything good come from there? John 1:46
I will not forget you. Isiah 49:15
The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run
to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10
I have calmed and quieted myself… I am content. Psalm
Rich and Poor have this in common…The Lordi is the maker
of them all.
They devoted themselves to fellowship. Acts 2:42
Saturday, January 27 2024
. . .For the battle is the Lord’s . . . . 1 Samuel 17:47
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. JOHN 17:17
The crises of life to all of us. If you do not know how to act on
God’s Word when a crisis comes, you will be at a disadvantage.
No matter what the problem is, God’s Word has something to
say about it. God’s Word has the answer, Find out wha the
Word says, and act like it’s true!
When someone asks the question, “What in the world are we
going to do now?” Just smile and answer, “We’re going to act
like the Bible is true!”
Many people mentally agree that the Bible is true, but that’s
not enough. You must act like the Bible is true! If you know
God’s Word is true, and you act like it it, them it will become
real in your life. You will bring God on the scene in your life!
Saturday, January 13 2024
Just as the trees/plants go dormant for winter time and the
roots are being enforced; the same thing happens spiritually in
our spiritual growth. On the surface It seems life is diminishing
in our goals. But as we stay grounded in HIS WORD our lives
are being enforced and enriched for new growth. In our geographical area there are 4 seasons, spiritually each season
brings new growth , whether seen or unseen.
Fall season: it starts preparing by what seems like “drying-up”,
and life and color seems to disappear. As it should.
Winter season: Most leaves, due to lack of nourishment,
(spiritual pruning) have dried up and fallen off the branch,
leaving the branch bare. But the roots are alive and well;
getting stronger as they are able to focus on growth.
Spring season: the trees begin to send the results of resting
underneath the ground, and growing roots. We begin to see
new life, buds, greenery, flowers, gardens bearing their crops
from early planting. Spiritually we begin to grow to another
level by hearing revelations from Holy Spirit. Revelations that
are personal, or to share with others. We begin to “bud out” in
our new growth.
Summer season: Due to hot temperatures in this region, staying
in a cool place is sought. Sometimes spiritually situations get
“hot, good, or bad”. Those are the times when we are already
prepared to focus and release The Word, whether for “hot,
good, or bad”. Time spent in The Word prepares the spirit-man
for events we encounter. Because we have grown spiritually
during the Winter season the Fruit of the Spirit can come forth
instead of the carnal man.
This is not a teaching, it is just a reminder that we all have
pruning seasons, quiet seasons, growth seasons, and last but
not least, we have action seasons; spiritual duty to carry out for
the Kingdom of God.
You are blessed and highly favored of God.
Pastor Petie. H U G S ! ! !