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Dig a little deeper into the Word with Pastor Petie.

Sunday, July 28 2024

HANDBOOK FOR HEALING by Charles & Francis Hunter
I was ministering healing, and Frances was sitting on the
stage when the pastor came up and whispered, “There is
a girl here today who was accidentally hit on the head with
a large block of wood three years ago. It destroyed her
equilibrium, and she has difficulty stand-in, walking, or
doing anything.” He said she had been in constant pain for
three years and had been to every doctor, every
chiropractor and every clinic in the area, but they all told
her exactly the same thing —-that there was absolutely
nothing that could be done for her.
She suffered pain twenty-four hours a day and was
actually unable to do anything. She was one of the
dancers in the ballet group in the church, but she had been
unable to dance for three years.
There are times when you need to do more than one
things, so in her case the Holy Spirit spoke and told us to
do two things. The first thing we did was to command the
electrical and chemical frequencies in every cell in her
body to be in harmony and in balance and to digest the
bad cells. Then we did the “Nucca” on her. She was
instantly, totally healed by the power of God.                                                                                                                                                                                            She stoodthere and, in the most beautiful, simple way, looked up and
said, “I am healed. I don’t have anymore pain.“
Incurable diseases, including blindness & deafness!
Back pain, DO this! Pg. 85 Line the head and neck up!
Command the brain stem to be centered over the spine to
relieve all problems the back.
for a hunger to help disabled people …

Posted by: Pastor Petie AT 01:24 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, July 21 2024

70. (Seventy) Spiritual Order, seventy elders.
Human leadership and judgment.
Moses appointed (70) elders. Exodus 24:1.
The Sanhedrin was made up of (70) seventy
Jesus chose (70) disciples Luke 10:1
` Jesus told Peter to forgive (70) times 7
Matthew 18:22
Daniel (70) seventy weeks Daniel 9:24
77. (Seventy seven) Vengeance
If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold truly
Lamech, seventy and sevenfold. Genesis
Gideon takes vengeance even threescore
and seventeen men. Judges 8:1, 14-16
80.(Eighty) Fulfilled Life
89. (eighty-nine) Heaven and earth come together
80+9=89 or a fulfilled life + fruit of the spirit =
heaven on earth
The total chapter of the four Gospel’s
revealing the heavenly real and the
earthly realm coming together
90 (Ninety) rebirth

Posted by: AT 09:24 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, July 14 2024

50. (Fifty). Jubilee and Pentecost
Leviticus 23:15~Deuteronomy 16: 9-12~ Acts
2:1-4. The word Pentecost means fifty.
Pentecost is the fiftieth day, Easter’s jubilee
Fifty represents the fulfillment of divine
promise. Every fifty years all the slaves were set free
and their positions/property was returned to them. All
debts were eliminated
52. (Fifty two).
THE (52nd) fifty second word in the 1611-
KJBible is “God”
The book of Jeremiah has (52) fifty two
chapters In the (52nd) Psalm King David sings unto
60. (Sixty) Pride ~ Inner Court ministry, having
spiritual gifts, sixty fold return.
The number for man is (6) the number for law
is (10) 6X10= pride
“God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to
the humble."1st Peter 5:5
The number (60) represents a second level of
blessings.“ And other fell on good ground,
and did yield fruit that sprang up
and increased; and brought forth, some thirty
and some (60) and some a hundred.

Posted by: Pastor Petie AT 08:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, July 07 2024

01. (ONE) Unity, God, that which was first —the triune God
is one.
The first commandment: you shall have no other
gods before Me. Exodus 20:3.
Red is the 1st color of the rainbow.
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: Deut: 6:4
Jesus answered and said, “The first of all the
commandments is. Hear , O Israel; The Lord
out God is one Lord: Mark 12:29
Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is
one. Galatians 3:20
02. (Two) Witness, Division, Separation
The second commandment, “You shall not make for
yourself a carved image-any likeness of anything that is in
heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or
that is in the water under the earth. Exodus 20:4
03. (Three) Godhead and the Resurrection
The third commandment: you shall not take the
name of the LORD your God in vain. Exodus
20:7. Yellow is the 3rd color in the rainbow.
04. (Four) That which is created, total dependence on
God- Holy Spirit covering the earth.
The fourth commandment : ‘Remember the Sabbath
day, to keep it holy. ‘ Exodus 20:8
Green is the 4th color in the rainbow.

Posted by: Pastor Petie AT 01:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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