*ISRAEL -Lord we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, be Israel’s guiding Light. Give the leaders of Israel wisdom and the nations that monitor Israel, give them Your Plans and Purposes to be implemented. Let 1 Chron 16: 21 be true for Israel: He allowed no one to oppress them; for their sake he rebuked kings…
*Every Wednesday 7pm Teenacious Youth meet.
*Beginning Sunday February 9th 1 hour after morning service: IMPACT Teaching on spiritual gifts & spiritual authority. Purpose: Develop Ministry Teams , John Vigh & others will teach this.
*February 14, 7pm @CCF TEENacious Worship Night
* February 15th Saturday 10am & 2pm Compass Regional Meeting @ Killeen Civic Center. Speaker: Lavonne Chandler, Worship by Jamie Lype
Sunday: Prayer @ 9:30 AM | Worship @ 10:30 AM
Wednesday: Intercessory Prayer @ 7:00 PM
View Church Calendar for all upcoming services & events.